Have you ever feel or have experienced something terrified? I bet you did, even in your dream it is still terrifying. Haha... Chill guys... =) We have one story to share... There is one day that we are walking at our college (not Micet of course), we are on our way to our dormitories. It was 3.00 a.m. At first, it was only me who heard some weird noise but then the weird noise gets louder. We thought that it was just some boys who are trying to scare us. Right after that, we then heard a song being played.. We ignored it again. Then suddenly..... Of of us stood still and was looking straight at a tree.. A big one of course....
P/S : When you are alone, please do not look back and walk in an odd number of peoples...
Here are some pictures that was taken from my camera. If you want to see the 'ENTITY', do zoom the picture and look for the red circle.